The West’s Multifaceted Response To Russian Aggression Against Ukraine
July 17, 2014- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. By expanding its economic sanctions against Russia to include for the first time major banks and energy companies and key Russian defense companies, the Obama Administration has taken another step in what is becoming a deliberate, even orchestrated program to [Read More...] -
NATO Works To Bolster Its Defenses Against Russia
July 1, 2014- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Despite tenuous efforts by the new government in Kiev to implement a ceasefire and thin promises by Moscow to rein in Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, the crisis in that country continues. Although President Putin promises that he will not [Read More...] -
Free Ukraine (From Dependence On Russian Gas)
May 21, 2014- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Regardless of the outcome of the current political turmoil in eastern Ukraine, the struggle between Russia and Europe over the fate of that benighted country will continue. Ukraine’s independence and stability is vital to NATO’s security. The Kremlin’s success in [Read More...] -
The General Is Saying What The Politicians Won’t About Russia And Ukraine
April 18, 2014- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. It is beyond ironic that as we approach the 100th anniversary of the start of World War One, the world is contemplating the very real possibility of a third such conflagration. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the [Read More...] -
New Pentagon Strategy A Good Fit For Ukraine Crisis (From Forbes)
March 6, 2014- Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D Some of President Obama’s critics on Capitol Hill seem to think his administration has no strategy for dealing with the crisis in Ukraine. That charge is completely wrong — the Pentagon and other government agencies responsible for national security have [Read More...]
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