The A-29 Super Tucano Is Transforming The Way Nations Fight Violent Extremists (From RealClearDefense)
Airpower provides a decisive advantage in the fight against violent extremists. Airpower offers a speed of response, an ability to collect information, and precision effects capability unavailable in other types of military capabilities. These effects can be tailored to the specific conditions nations face. Moreover, robust, low-cost air platforms are available, which when equipped with modern sensors, avionics, and weapons provide a cost-effective means of addressing the violent extremist threat. This is particularly important for nations that need airpower in their struggles with domestic threats but cannot afford high-end fighters. When coupled as necessary with selective contractor support, small fleets of Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucanos, or A-29s, can have a disproportionate impact in the fight to secure a nation’s security and domestic tranquility. More than a dozen nations fly this rugged, highly effective platform and many others are interested in acquiring their own fleets. I have written more about this subject here.
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