The Biden Administration Lectures Entrepreneurs On Business Competition (From RealClearMarkets)
It is one thing for government to regulate business. But it is the height of chutzpah for career politicians and bureaucrats to lecture America’s dynamic, innovative, risk-taking private sector on what business competition is, as the Biden Administration’s Competition Council is doing.
The Council was launched on July 9, 2021 by an Executive Order to “establish a whole-of-government effort to promote competition in the American economy.” It touts an array of mandates and proposals for numerous industries: transportation, agriculture, banking, technology and more.
In reality, the U.S. economy is more competitive than ever, especially for companies in the high-tech sector like Amazon, Meta, and Alphabet. The Council’s mission is business bashing, pure and simple.
Lexington Institute’s Paul Steidler discusses this in an Op-Ed in RealClearMarkets here.
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