The Biden Administration Should Listen To Business, Not Lecture (From RealClearMarkets)
When federal bureaucracies veer outside their policy lane, claiming a mandate from the American people for audacious new actions, things get weird and broken. A case in point is Assistant Attorney General (AAG) Jonathan Kanter’s speech on September 19 at the Georgetown Antitrust Law Symposium where he claims strong public support for new, highly restrictive merger guidelines.
Are entrepreneurs and other hard-working Americans really upset about business combinations? And if so, is this a bigger worry than inflation, rising interest rates, competition from China, and other economic issues?
AAG Kanter thinks so, though he cites sparse, anecdotal evidence. A more thorough review of public comments filed with his own agency by America’s leading business organizations should lead AAG Kanter to re-think his position.
Lexington Institute’s Paul Steidler discusses this in an Op-Ed for RealClearMarkets here.
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