The Biggest Military Tech Opportunity Of The Biden Years Isn’t A Weapon, It’s A Network (From Forbes)
The Department of Defense is pursuing a technology initiative called Joint All-Domain Command and Control aimed at tying together the sensors and shooters of the joint force in a single, integrated warfighting architecture. The notion of network-centric warfare has been around for some time, but recent advances such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, high data-rate connectivity and spectrum sharing now make it a practical possibility. The goal is to synchronize military moves by the entire force across all five warfighting domains — land, air, sea, space and cyber — to present adversaries with nearly insuperable obstacles to victory in wartime. Such a posture presumably would deter aggression in most circumstances. However, if China were to implement such a system and America did not, that would make U.S. defeat in a future Pacific war highly likely given the geographical advantages Beijing would already enjoy. I have written a commentary for Forbes here.
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