The Case For A Robust U.S. Amphibious Warfare Force (From 1945)
Unfortunately, over the past several decades, the United States’ planning for future conflicts has had to adjust to many “punches” from adversaries. The events of 9/11 once constituted such a blow, as did the rise of great power competitors, culminating in Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Hamas’ monstrous 10/7 attack on Israel and the prospect of a multi-front war between that state and its regional adversaries looks to be a third such punch. However, despite the U.S. military’s need to respond to major geopolitical perturbations, alterations of force postures, divestments of assets deemed to no longer be relevant, and acquisitions of new platforms and equipment, some capabilities have demonstrated their enduring utility. One of these is amphibious warfare forces. I have written more on this subject here.
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