TikTok Hearing Underscores Importance Of Big Tech Competition With China (From 1945)
The recent Congressional hearing on the threat to the U.S. posed by TikTok underscored the powerful role that advanced technology in the hands of our competitors has on our economy, national security, government, and personal well-being. With more than 100 million American users, TikTok has a degree of access and influence unachievable with any previous form of communication. While reasonable people can disagree in regard to the advisability of banning the app in the U.S., there is no question that China is a peer competitor to the U.S. in advanced technologies. Banning TikTok or imposing sanctions on exports of advanced computer chips to China will not win the technology competition with that country. Only by partnering with U.S. Big Tech companies and encouraging their efforts to achieve technological advances in critical areas such as AI, quantum computing, and virtualization can this country hope to win the most consequential international competition of the 21st century. I have written more on this subject here.
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