TRAX: The One Capability That Can Make JADC2 Successful (From RealClearDefense)
The program that is supposed to achieve the U.S. military’s vision for seamless, real-time interoperability at the tactical edge is called the Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) system. The problem for JADC2 and all its Service components is that the military currently operates dozens of communications systems using a variety of data formats, protocols, and frequencies. How will JADC2 will manage the requirement to flow information between separate Service-based command, control, and communications (C3) systems, or how will it manage to synthesize information across multiple, incompatible communications networks and data formats? There is a solution that has already been proven. It is called the Tactical Radio Application eXtension (TRAX). TRAX, currently in use with SOCOM, the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, Air Force and Five Eyes allies, is bringing sense to the current complicated state of modern C3. I have written more about TRAX and its impact on future C3 for Joint and Coalition operations here.
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