U.S. Army Stryker Upgrades Show Just How Fast Industry Can Move (From The National Interest)
A poster child for fast acquisition of relevant capabilities for the Army is General Dynamics’ Stryker Combat Vehicle Program. The Stryker was initially intended as an interim solution to the need for a light yet lethal armored vehicle that could be rapidly deployed around the globe, particularly to places without massive logistics and transportation infrastructure. When the Future Combat System was cancelled, the Stryker became the long-term solution. With more than 4,700 vehicles in the Army and a hot production line, the Stryker is well positioned to serve as the basis for the rapid introduction of advanced systems in response to urgent operational needs. General Dynamics, together with a number of other leading defense firms, has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to rapidly expand the mission space for the Stryker. I provide several examples of the evolving Stryker fleet for The National Interest here.
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