The U.S. Military Is Suffering A Crisis Of Strategy, Not Just One Of Readiness (From The National Interest)
Everyone agrees that the U.S. military has a readiness crisis. Yet more consequential for the future of the U.S. military than its current readiness crisis is the crisis of strategy. The U.S. military has been at war with Islamic terrorism for more than 16 years. The U.S. must confront the reality that it is involved in a conflict which can neither be avoided nor can be won; it is a problem to be managed. The search for victory in the current fight requires an enormous expenditure of resources and lives, adding to the wear and tear on platforms and personnel while, in a budget constrained environment, draining the military of resources desperately needed to modernize its aging force structure for the fights to come. I have written on the need for a new strategy for The National Interest here.
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