Ukraine Needs More M1 Abrams Tanks Now (From The National Interest)
Despite predictions for a swift victory in Ukraine, first by Moscow and then by Kyiv, the war in Ukraine is becoming what should have been expected from the outset: a long and difficult slog. Having been pushed by its Western backers into conducting an ill-advised major fall offensive before it had received sufficient Western armaments, Ukraine is now facing the challenging prospect of fending off Russian efforts to bleed its army dry while it prepares to go on offense next spring. If there is any hope for a Ukrainian victory, it rests on NATO nations, particularly the United States, providing it with sufficient advanced weapons and munitions to break through Russian defenses successfully. Ukraine urgently needs armored fighting vehicles, especially main battle tanks (MBTs) such as the M1 Abrams. Now is the time to send these tanks to Ukraine on the scale of hundreds. I have written more on this subject here.
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