War In Europe: Why The Army Is Worried (From Forbes)
Russia’s 2014 invasion of Ukraine has forced the Pentagon to rethink what threats might be facing Europe in the years ahead. However, not much has been done to bolster U.S. forces that would have to cope with further Russian land grabs. That matters most to the Army, which would have to carry much of the burden of a European campaign. What most concerns Army leaders is that preparation for high-end threats has been neglected during the 15 years of counter-insurgency warfare since 9-11; that Russia would enjoy huge geographical advantages in any European war; that air support might not be available to ground forces due to Russia’s imposing air defenses; that Russian conventional capabilities such as its long-range fires and electronic-warfare systems are increasingly capable; and that if war really came, Moscow might use nuclear weapons. I have written a commentary for Forbes here.
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