What If the U.S. ‘Pulls the Plug’ on Afghanistan? (From RealClearDefense)
The U.S. may be approaching a crucial decision concerning its military involvement in Afghanistan. Secretary of Defense James Mattis says U.S. activity there won’t end anytime soon. The question is, will President Trump stick with a plan that does not promise victory? Should the Administration choose to “pull the plug” on the Afghanistan mission, it will need to continue efforts to build the Afghan National Defense Security Forces into a professional security apparatus with the appropriate command and control, intelligence, logistics and sustainment capabilities. Also, plans will need to be in place to replace equipment and platforms lost in battle or accidents. So even if the U.S. pulls the plug, it will not be able to completely escape from Afghanistan. I have written about the intricacies of withdrawing from Afghanistan for RealClearDefense here.
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