Why An Antitrust War Against Google And Big Tech Is A Big Mistake (From 1945)
There is a clear consensus among defense and intelligence officials across the globe that China has moved from being a competitor to the West to a threat not only to the U.S. but the entire liberal democratic world. One aspect of this growing threat is China’s effort to dominate so-called advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, 5/6G communications, extended reality, and cybersecurity. The ability to compete with and beat China in the development and deployment of advanced technologies is vital to this nation’s economic and national security. Why, then, would the U.S. Congress be pursuing antitrust legislation that will limit the ability of U.S. high-tech companies to compete with China? This misguided legislation will simultaneously enhance China’s ability to threaten the West and weaken the United States. I have written more on this here.
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