Why Pentagon Priorities Will Soon Change No Matter Who Becomes President (From Forbes)
Early next year, the United States will get a new commander in chief when Barack Obama departs as president. We don’t know who the next chief executive will be yet, but we can say with near certainty that at some point in the near future Pentagon priorities will change. The reason why is that big strategic surprises have occurred on average once every five years during the postwar period. They may not all be on the scale of Sputnik or 9-11, but they always result in billions of dollars being shifted to places where the money can address emerging threats. Maybe the next time around the money will go to national missile defense or maneuver warfare — two areas neglected during the Obama years — or perhaps to some other mission area, but the lesson of recent history is that there is usually something big coming that current military plans haven’t taken into account. I have written a commentary for Forbes here.
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