Why The Precision Strike Missile Is A Must Have For The Army (From RealClearDefense)
The U.S. Army’s number one modernization priority is Long-Range Precision Fires (LRPF). Arguably, the most important program being pursued under the LRPF umbrella is the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM). This missile will replace the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS). It will have a longer range than ATACMS, at least 499 kilometers and as much as 700 kilometers. The PrSM is intended to dominate to so-called deep battle zone, the area between 100 and 700 kilometers where currently our great power competitors hold decisive quantitative and qualitative advantages. It will hold at risk targets critical to an adversary’s anti-access/area denial capabilities as well as their ability to command forces, provide logistics support, conduct offensive air operations, concentrate ground formations and conduct naval operations. The importance of PrSM to Army modernization is underscored by the decision to advance the date at which it wants to deploy the new missile from 2027 to 2023. I have written more about this program and its centrality to Army modernization here.
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