Author Archives: Daniel Gouré, Ph.D.

  • Defense Acquisition: Protect The Parts That Work

    June 20, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief The Bush Administration came to office determined to reform the defense acquisition process. It took too long to get new hardware into the field, weapons were often out of date by the time they were fielded and the [Read More...]
  • Putting A Stop To The

    June 12, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief A modern day “gold rush” fever is threatening to overwhelm good sense and the acquisition process. DoD is being inundated with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle concepts, often systems built of nothing but viewgraphs, that are in some notable cases [Read More...]
  • Why Allies? Which Allies?

    May 12, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief Does the United States need allies in the 21st Century? If so, what kind of allies does it require? Although the United States has collaborated with many nations throughout its history, including in pursuit of its independence, the [Read More...]
  • Homeland Security: Measuring Success

    April 1, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief Are we safer now than were on September 11th? At one level this is an existential question to which no concrete answer is possible. At another level it is an eminently practical question that demands detailed response. The [Read More...]
  • Defending The Friendly Skies

    March 12, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief The effort by the Transportation Security Administration to make U.S. commercial airliners safe from hijacking and bombs is only the beginning. The attempt to shoot down a commercial airliner in Africa on February with two infra-red (IR) guided, [Read More...]
  • The U.S. Army Meets Star Wars

    February 13, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief The United States Army is preparing to propel itself forward on beams of energy into a new realm of warfare. Already, the Army has made great strides in bringing directed energy weapons to the battlefield. The Army, in [Read More...]
  • Directed-Energy Weapons: Technologies, Applications and Implications

    February 1, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Research Study After decades of research and development, directed-energy weapons are becoming an operational reality. Such weapons generate streams of electromagnetic energy that can be precisely aimed over long distances to disable or destroy targets. Two types of devices are [Read More...]
  • Renaming The Stryker

    January 10, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief Remember the legend of the Phoenix, the mythical creature that is consumed on its own funeral pyre only to be born anew and rise again from the ashes? A new Phoenix has arisen in the Bush Administration’s Fiscal [Read More...]
  • Stryker Drives to the Future: Opponents Fail to Grasp New Strategic Challenges

    October 21, 2002- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Article published in Defense News A new century requires a new military. This is what the transformation of the U.S. Army is about. Within a few decades, the U.S. Army will be almost unrecognizable. The key first step in this [Read More...]
  • Strategic Nuclear Forces in U.S. National Security in the 21st Century

    October 1, 2002- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Research Study The end of the Cold War brought with it a reduction in the size of strategic nuclear arsenals but not a diminution in the importance of nuclear forces in U.S. national security. The balance of terror has been [Read More...]
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