Author Archives: Don Soifer

  • A Crucial Lesson in Education Reform: Money Alone Doesn’t Improve Student Achievement

    December 26, 2010- Don Soifer Asbury Park (NJ) Press Schools around the country have begun to show measurable progress closing achievement gaps, according to evidence from a growing range of sources. That’s the good news. The bad news is that in New Jersey, this progress [Read More...]
  • Reform WITH RESULTS For New Jersey Schools

    December 6, 2010- Don Soifer Executive Summary New Jersey’s court-ordered strategies for fixing fundamental shortcomings in educational quality in the state’s poorest schools have produced aggressive increases in state funding. But the quality of education in most of these schools has not improved commensurate to [Read More...]
  • Do American History Teachers Value Feelings Over Knowledge?

    October 8, 2010- Don Soifer Published in American Thinker Nearly half of American history teachers believe it is less important that their students understand the common history, ideas, rights and responsibilities that tie the country together as Americans than that they learn to celebrate the [Read More...]
  • Education Strategies for Reducing Juvenile Crime in the Nation’s Capital

    October 7, 2010- Don Soifer Executive Summary For every five black boys between age 10 and 17 in the District of Columbia last year, three would not graduate high school on time. One was officially truant from school. And one was arrested as a juvenile. [Read More...]
  • Keep a Closer Eye on the Post Office

    September 16, 2010- Don Soifer The Washington Times, Letter to the Editor If a recent analysis by its Inspector General is correct (“Priority Mail Ads Don’t Fit Cost Audit,” September 9), than the Postal Service has been illegally overcharging its monopoly customers millions of dollars [Read More...]
  • Radical Multiculturalism a Growing Problem in Public Schools

    September 16, 2010- Don Soifer The Daily Caller Textbooks and school activities that promote destructive forms of multiculturalism are proliferating in U.S. public schools, funded by local and federal tax dollars, with alarmingly little notice or resistance from parents or education officials. Non-educators who win [Read More...]
  • Back to School: Grading the Teacher

    September 8, 2010- Don Soifer Letter to the Editor, The New York Times Regarding the usefulness of value-added scores for teachers, why shouldn’t parents be given the opportunity to enroll their children for individual teachers, not just schools, using such a tool? Teacher union leaders [Read More...]
  • It’s Time for a Latino Online Education Revolution

    July 12, 2010- Don Soifer Article originally appeared online in “Virtual School Meanderings” As the Obama Administration prepares to announce the big winners in its signature Race to the Top and Investing in Innovation grant competitions, the Nation’s Capital seems to be sporting a bumper [Read More...]
  • ¿Cómo salvar la brecha en el aprendizaje de los hispanos?

    July 8, 2010- Don Soifer Naples (FL) News Florida.- Según los resultados del año 2009 de la evaluación nacional para el progreso educativo, estos mostraron que los niños latinos del cuarto y el octavo grados tienen dos veces más probabilidades que los blancos de obtener [Read More...]
  • Education Reform As Seen By Teacher Union Officials

    July 6, 2010- Don Soifer Issue Brief As federal Education Department officials move closer to announcing the winning states in the second-round “Race to the Top” grant competition, much has been made of the varying buy-in from state teacher unions. State chapters were singled out [Read More...]
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